香港木庫 HK TimberBank



with TREF

HK Timberbank is the tree sampling and upcycling partner of Timber Research & Education Foundation (TREF). In support of TREF’s local tree research efforts, our team works with arborists to conduct scientific survey and sampling and handle logistics during tree felling operations. HK Timberbank subsequently upcycles the felled trees involved in TREF’s research.

Moreover, HK Timberbank provides wood processing and carpentry equipment for researchers at TREF to handle wood samples for laboratory testing.

More About TREF

Timber Research & Education Foundation (TREF) aims at capturing the tree data from salvaged felled tree resources in Hong Kong and build up a useful tree database through scientific research and promote carbon negative and nature-based solution for education purpose. With Hong Kong as a starting point, TREF is set up in 2021 as a registered charity under Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO) s88 (IR File No. 91/17552).

More information can be found on TREF’s website.