香港木庫 HK TimberBank



HK TIMBERBANK IS REVEALING THE BEAUTY OF HONG KONG WOOD by CHRISTOPHER DEWOLF As heavy clouds threatened rain, a few dozen people gather in a forlorn part of Yuen Long, where guard dogs cast a suspicious gaze over a muddy landscape of old lorries and half-junked taxis. They are standing next to an enormous pile of tree trunks and broken limbs, next to which lay the enormous branch of a centuries-old camphor tree. The crowd is here to understand how this arboreal graveyard is giving dead trees a second chance at life.


香港樹木回收機構創辦人黃卓健: 建百米高樓不留百年老樹,值得嗎? by 有誰共鳴 歌曲傳情 引發你嘅共鳴 由5月24日早上6時起至5月27日早上6時 只要發一個短訊 (SMS) 到 50 881 903 「樹木研究及教育基金」就會收到你 $5 的捐款「樹木研究及教育基金」旨在透過本地樹木研究和環境教育,為下一代保護和增強可持續的林業資源。現時,樹木研究及教育基金運用本地回收樹木檢驗各品種之碳封存率,提供科研數據支持可持續的高碳、高生態植林,以抵抗氣候變化。


How Ricci Wong of Timberbank is championing wood upcycling by using felled trees to make designer furniture and building materials by Khoa Tran Hong Kong is as much an actual jungle as it is a concrete one. Despite having more skyscrapers than any other city in the world, more than half of it is covered by trees and forests, with 40 per cent of the city protected in country parks. Despite the abundance, though, the trees are not suitable for use as timber for construction or even furniture, due largely to their irregular shapes and sizes; instead, wood for such purposes is mainly imported from overseas. This fact alone bothered architect and designer Ricci Wong; he was even more concerned that trees that are uprooted during typhoons or cut down due to age aren’t taken advantage of. They are simply disposed of—sent to landfills as green waste and left there to decompose over years or decades. Something in this broken cycle didn’t make sense to Wong, who believes that local trees have more to offer and to teach us about living sustainably with our city’s rich natural heritage.

TVB 兒童節目《Hands Up》

Hands Up 兒童節目《Hands Up》有「醬汁家族」成員和一眾主持,陪伴大家度過愉快時光。 「Kids’ Notes」邀請不同界別人士,跟小朋友分享有趣事物。第863 及858 集 發行年份:2024 類型:香港兒童節目 主持: 潘靜文

Hong Kong V

專訪「香港木庫」創辦人黃卓健: 用回收賦予樹木第二生命A Introduction of eco-social enterprise HK Timberbank從「山竹」到「蘇拉」,「香港木庫」致力於收繕被颱風吹倒的樹木,並且將其加工成實用傢具或工藝品。建築師出身的創始人黃卓健也利用自己的專長讓這些廢木材煥發新生。他和樹木之間發生過什麼感人故事?木庫的年輕團隊又怎樣在艱苦的環境下體驗別樣的青春? 獨立媒體

山竹後成立香港木庫 回收塌樹製木品兼建碳匯資料庫 兩年後料遇橫洲收地位於元朗的廠房現址,兩年後將因為橫洲棕地第三期公屋發展而收地。連生死也未卜,為何還有力氣想像不知多少年後才能實現的事?黃卓健相信,在此刻盡力做好自己能做的事,才能儲夠「彈藥」,在收地時爭取機會搬廠,繼續走下去:「如果我們仍在這個細圈內『玩』,只是在重複這幾年來大家掙扎的情況。要跳出來就要懂得望向遠處,再帶回來這裡做,只有這樣才能生存到、做到有意義的事。

ming-pao 明報新聞
